Monday, January 10, 2011

Mama's Birthday

My Grandmother whom I called Mama Ludy is celebrating her 63rd birthday today. She's already 63 but she looks 50 only, that because she really look young.

I wish my Mama Ludy a happy, happy birthday. I love her so much because she loves me too so much. I wish her so much happiness in life as always.

We'll be celebrating her birthday tomorrow night. We'll be having dinner outside, not today because she'll be treating her officemates along with her other officemates who are also celebrating their birthdays this January.

So for my Mama Ludy who is sweet as candy, Happy Birthday and I Love You So Much!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Back To School

Christmas and New Year vacation is over for me. I need to go back to school and study again. I only need a few months to study and soon it will be over, I'll be graduating from Preparatory this coming last week of March or early April 2011.

For summer, I bet I'll be taking summer workshops probably ballet or piano lessons, depending on what my parents will choose for me. I would love to learn ballet as well as how to play the piano. I just would like my summer 2011 to be worthy.

Well, I do miss my classmates whom I haven't seen during the Christmas break. I can't wait to hear their stories about how and where did they spend their Christmas 2010 and New Year 2011.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year - New Blog

Happy New Year everyone!

It's 2011 and my mom finally decided to author another blog for me. She started creating a blog for me in the year 2007 but since she's very busy, she wasn't able to update it more often and she have already forgotten the email and password she used. She actually made 2 to 3 more blogs for me but she was super busy with her personal blog so she wasn't able to continue my blog again.

Now, she promised to create me a new blog and hopefully she'll be able to update this blog of mine as often as possible. Hopefully, this is the last and permanent blog she'll create for me. When I grow up, I promise to continue this blog she made for me.

My former blog site is Chantal Zoe. - please just click it.