Sunday, March 20, 2011

Final Exam Week

Final Exam (March 21-25, 2011)

Tomorrow is the start of our first exam for the week. This week is actually our final exams, after that we will be ready for our graduation day. Me and my Mom have been very busy making my reviewer and sample test since this morning. My Mom actually allowed me to watch TV this morning until about late afternoon today but after dinner, we will already focus on my study for tomorrow's exam. We'll be having 5 days exam for 6 subject, making it one subject from Monday to Thursday and 2 subjects by Friday.

I'm kinda excited to take up my Mom's sample exam for me. I'm sure I'll be able to perfect or at least get only few mistakes and my Dad will surely be very happy for me. It will make my Mom very happy as well because it would only mean that I do listen to her while she teach me my lessons.

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